That's about it.
Now, I've made a new poster and here it is below. You can click on the image to see it bigger just like on my web site,! I used an old silk screen print I made in college. I scraped away the blue ink around the rectilinear yellow shape with a razor blade to create apparent streaks of light. I pasted the cut out print on a bristol board and did the lettering by hand. My hand writing is horrible and it looks like some little kid who is learning how to write in second grade did it. I like that.

Man, I hated learning how to write. The print style was called D' Nealian. I didn't use it for this poster but I have in the past. It's a real complicated print but it helps with transitioning to cursive. I'm left handed and it was always weird because I couldn't see what I was doing, moving left to right on the page. I remember not doing my print assignments quickly enough and bringing them home to work on. I had homework in second grade!
The future I do not know. I've got a couple of projects I've been putting off. I seem to run myself a bit thin. Oh, well. We only have one chance at this life as far as I know. On the other hand it would be irrational to live as though this were our last day on the earth. Balance is hard to attain and I wonder if it is unattainable. We'll see.
I've entered the show, Above the 45th, at the DeVos Museum here at N.M.U. I can't remember when it is I should hear back from them. I care but I don't worry about it. We'll see!
I really hope that you are well and enjoying your life. I hope all the ones you know are well too.
Peace and Love (Ask your self what is peace and love. Really go into it if you can.),
Mark VandenBosch