Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Portrait and Other News

I got a job! I'll be working at the Marquette Food Co-op in the produce department. The job is full time with benefits!

I'm very thankful for this opportunity. I've been able to meagerly support myself with my art work and a few odd jobs but it's been very stressful these past two years without a full time job. I've had a lot of time to learn how to live! I've also had a lot of time to focus on my artwork and figure out what to do with my gifts! Now I feel like I can have a full time job while utilizing and focusing on the gifts that the creator has given to me and still make the most of my free time by living in a good way and having good relationships with friends and loved ones.

I started a new portrait of my father. I'm very happy with it so far. IT'S NOT DONE YET! Here's a bit of process. I'm gonna put it away for a couple of weeks. I'm getting some things together for the regional show up here: Above the 45th at the DeVos Museum at N.M.U.

I wrote some notes when I started this new drawing. The notes are a very small insight to my process.

I start out with some specific measurements with the knowledge that they are general. Then I start to sketch freely, kind of breaking down the measurements, becoming less attached to the measurements and just respond to the photo. I can respond easily to this image because I know the real person pretty well.

I kind of feel like I take a different approach each time.

Meanwhile I can hear the dog barking downstairs real well. It's very annoying and hard to work. My apartment shares an air vent with the downstairs neighbor. The vent is in the bathroom and I can usually hear what is happening in and near my neighbor's bathroom.

It's amazing to work on this image because as it develops I can see little pieces of myself, my grandpa, my siblings and my Aunt Rose. I see myself in the future too.

When I was taking this photo my Dad was so excited he couldn't stop moving and laughing. Finally, I had to tell him, "Dad, you need to stop moving so I can take a picture". Here I was telling my father what to do!

Well, that's all for now! I'll post the finished portrait of my father later next week sometime!


Mark VandenBosch

You can see subtle changes in these last three images. Look at how the images of the hair and the background change your perception.
